ClearCorrect uses a series of clear, removable aligner trays to straighten your teeth without metal wires or brackets. It is an ideal option for adult patients with fully erupted permanent teeth and those with mild to moderate alignment issues.

Dental-Excellence Clear CorrectWe will take photos, x-rays & and impressions of your teeth to send to ClearCorrect’s lab. Each aligner is custom-made based on the specific movements of your teeth that must be corrected. For more information about the Dental-Excellence Clear Correct, click here.


ClearCorrect is a series of clear, removable aligners that straighten the teeth without noticeable wires and brackets. It allows patients to brush and floss their teeth as usual and eat all types of foods. In addition, ClearCorrect treatment usually takes less time than traditional braces.

During the initial stages of ClearCorrect treatment, we will take impressions of your teeth and then use these to create digital models. These models will show how your teeth are currently and how they will look after treatment, allowing us to make accurate projections of your final results.

Once we have an approved treatment plan in place, ClearCorrect will manufacture your aligners. During treatment, you must change the clear aligners periodically according to your treatment plan. If you fail to follow instructions, your aligners may take longer than necessary to straighten your teeth. In these cases, you may be required to pay additional fees. ClearCorrect offers a variety of treatment options, including the Flex, MINI, ONE, and Unlimited packages. Each package has its own set of features and pricing.


Initially launched in 1997, Invisalign is one of the market’s most well-known clear plastic aligners. Its patented technology uses clear, removable trays to straighten teeth gradually and discreetly. Each aligner is worn for a few weeks before being replaced with the next in the series until your treatment is complete. Typically, the process takes about a year for adults, similar to how long metal braces take to straighten.

Invisalign is available in packages of 6, 12, or unlimited trays so that we can recommend the right option for you based on your misalignment issues. We also work with dental insurance providers to make the costs of Invisalign more affordable.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces consist of metal brackets bonded to the fronts of your teeth. These hold arch wires, which exert continuous pressure on your teeth to guide them into alignment. The pressure stimulates a biomechanical process called bone remodelling, which helps to realign the roots and crowns of your teeth.

The brackets have edges known as wings that allow attaching elastic bands or metal ties. These help us control the amount of force applied to specific teeth and provide an aesthetic way to customize your treatment.

Traditional metal braces are more visible in your smile and may take longer to get used to than other forms of straightening, but they can still be a good option for teens and adults with moderate or severe orthodontic needs. They can also require more frequent adjustment appointments than ClearCorrect aligners. However, with ClearCorrect, you spend less time in the dentist’s chair and don’t worry about food getting stuck in your braces or rubber bands slipping off while eating. For more information about the Dental-Excellence Clear Correct, click here.

Clear Braces

Clear braces, or ceramic or tooth-coloured braces, are an excellent option for adult patients looking for a less noticeable orthodontic treatment solution. The brackets are made of translucent ceramic that blends in with the patient’s teeth, so they are barely visible from a distance or even when looked at directly. The archwire is also often tooth-coloured to reduce the braces’ appearance further.

Like Invisalign®, clear braces are a non-invasive treatment option for those with mild to moderate misalignment issues. They are designed to be more comfortable than traditional metal braces. The 3M Clarity Clear Braces feature smaller brackets that take up less space on the front of the tooth and rounded corners that help to reduce rubbing and irritation. The ceramic material is also more resistant to staining and discolouration throughout treatment.