KineticRehab Physio Adelaide has a broad range of specialised treatments that are effective for treating sports injuries. Their representatives are comprehensive in explaining and addressing all of your concerns. They also provide detailed information about their fees on their website and in physical consultations.

They accept most major health funds, concession discounts, Medicare EPC clients, and private clients with or without private health extras. They also offer physiotherapy treatment options, including dry needling and home exercise programs. For more information about the KineticRehab physio Adelaide, click here.


Physiotherapy is one of the best ways to treat injuries and pain. These specialists use hands-on techniques like muscle manipulation, massage, and electrotherapy to repair damage, improve movement and release stiffness. They also offer Western acupuncture and dry needling, which can help treat chronic pain caused by sports injuries or workplace and motor vehicle accidents.

physio AdelaideThis clinic is in Adelaide and Victor Harbor and offers many services. They can help you find relief from pain and get back to your everyday life quickly. They can perform tests to determine the cause of your pain and prescribe exercises to reduce your risk of future injury.

They can even provide you with an orthopedic surgical consultation if necessary. Their physiotherapists are skilled in treating all musculoskeletal conditions and can give you a full-body assessment. They also use various treatment techniques, such as joint and spinal mobilisation, soft tissue release, dry needling, cupping, and exercise-based rehabilitation.

Massage Therapy

Kate has a background in Podiatry, which helps her identify biomechanical issues and correct them using rehabilitation exercises and custom-made orthotic devices. Her special interests include foot posture and biomechanical analysis, and she is a member of the Australian Podiatry Association. For more information about the KineticRehab physio Adelaide, click here.

Physiotherapists at KineticRehab Physio Adelaide are highly experienced and offer specialised services to treat sports injuries. Their treatments are tailored to each patient’s needs and focus on getting the root cause of their injuries. They also teach patients how to prevent further injuries in the future.

Their knowledgeable therapists provide comprehensive treatment options, including soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation, dry needling, movement restoration, and individualised exercise-based rehabilitation programs. They also strongly emphasise client satisfaction and encourage growth through ongoing education. They work with their clients to develop open and honest relationships. They offer flexible appointment times to meet the demands of their clients.

Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery, or orthopaedics, is a type of medical procedure that involves the musculoskeletal system. It can treat various conditions, including sprains, fractures, arthritis, and other problems affecting the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, or nerves. These procedures can help improve a person’s quality of life.

A physiotherapist can help patients recover from injuries and relieve pain. They can also offer advice on how to avoid further injury. They can perform tests to determine the cause of your pain and recommend exercises for recovery. They can also prescribe medications and assist with care coordination.

The team uses the latest physiotherapy techniques to heal aches and pains. This includes soft tissue release, joint and spinal mobilisation, dry needling, cupping, and remedial massage. They can even provide customised exercise programs to help you return to normal activities. For more information about the KineticRehab physio Adelaide, click here.


Kinetic-Rehabilitation Sports Physio Adelaide offers a variety of treatment options for sports injuries. These include physical therapy, which helps injured sportspeople recover their range of motion and reduce pain. They also teach players proper body mechanics to prevent injuries from recurring.

This clinic has a team of expert physiotherapists skilled in treating sports injuries and other issues. Their treatments are evidence-based and holistic, and they use a mixture of hands-on therapies such as massage and joint mobilisation to treat patients. They also offer a range of other treatments, such as dry needling and home exercise programs.

The therapists here use techniques like Fascial Counterstrain, a gentle manual therapy technique that finds and releases fascial restrictions to improve movement and reduce pain. They also offer home exercise programs and specialised group exercises.